Here at ABC School we have just started a new Callan Method beginner’s Course on Monday 21st from 14.30 to 16.30.
What is Callan Method?
The Callan Method makes it possible for students to learn English very quickly. It’s popular with students and schools all over the world because it’s fast and effective, because it’s lively and enjoyable, and because the lessons involve constant listening and speaking practice.
You will never get bored with Callan Method!
How does it work?
Learning with the Callan Method is probably a very different experience from English lessons you have had before. The teacher gets everyone speaking by asking questions and helping with the answers. Each question focuses on a particular word or a piece of grammar, and when you give your answer, the teacher helps you to say a complete sentence so that you yourself practise the word or piece of grammar. You are busy listening to English all the time, you speak a lot, and all your mistakes are corrected. You learn quickly because you are always surrounded by English. And it is fun – there is no silence and no time to get bored or lose your concentration.
Fast progress!
With the Callan Method, the teacher helps you when you’re speaking, and corrects all your mistakes the moment you make them. The teacher corrects you by imitating (copying) your mistake and then saying the correct pronunciation/form of the word. For example, if you say “He come from Spain”, the teacher quickly says “not come – comes”. This correction by imitation helps you to hear the difference between your mistake and the proper English form. You should immediately repeat the correct word and continue with your sentence. You learn a lot from this correction of your mistakes, and constant correction results in fast progress.
So, what are you waiting for?
Come to ABC School and sign up for two trial lessons!
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